Dr. Sameer Patel
Designation: Assistant Professor
Academic Area: Civil and Infrastructure Engineering
Brief Profile:
Dr. Sameer Patel is an Assistant Professor in Civil and Infrastructure Engineering Department at Adani University, Ahmedabad. His expertise is in the area of Structural Engineering theory and practice. He has over 6 years of experience in academics and 6 years of research and Industry experience.
He has been teaching across undergraduate programs, postgraduate programs and GET training
Programs using in-class activities and field visits. He has also delivered experts talks on various structural engineering topics at other Engineering Institutes on the invite. His current research and consulting areas include Structural Health Monitoring, Dynamics of Structures, Earthquake Engineering, Non-Destructive Evaluation, Cementitious and sustainable materials for construction, Concrete Technology, Repair and Retrofitting of the Structures.
Prior to joining the Adani Institute of Infrastructure Engineering, He was associated with S.V. National Institute of Technology, Surat as a Full Time Research Scholar in Applied Mechanics Department.
He holds a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Civil Engineering, a Master of Engineering in Civil Engineering (Structures) from University of Pune and a PhD in Civil Engineering from S.V. National Institute of Technology, Surat, INDIA.
- Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology Surat, 2018
- M.E. in Civil Engineering (Structures), University of Pune, 2011.
- B.E. in Civil Engineering, University of Pune, 2008.
Academic Experience:
- Assistant Professor at Adani University
Research/Non-Academic Experience:
- Research Scholar (Full Time Institute Scholar) at Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat (August 2012 – July 2016).
Industry Experience:
- Assistant Sub Inspection (Estate & TDO Department) at Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation, Ahmedabad (April 2012 – July 2012).
- Bridge Design Engineer (Bridge Design Department) at SAI Consulting Engineers Pvt. Ltd., Ahmedabad (July 2011 – April 2012).
- Execution Engineer (Jr. Engineer) at B. E. Billimoria Construction Co. Ltd, Mumbai (July 2008 – August 2009).
- Associate Member, The Institution of Engineers, India (IEI) (AM1662468)
- Life Member, Indian Association for Structural Engineering (IASE), INDIA.
- Life Member, Indian Association for Computational Mechanics (IndACM), INDIA
- Structural Health Monitoring
- Dynamics of Structures
- Earthquake Engineering
- Non-Destructive Evaluation
- Cementitious and sustainable materials for construction
- Concrete Technology
- Repair and Retrofitting of the Structures
- Structural Health Monitoring of Bridges
- Sustainable building block for construction
- Sustainable Construction Materials
Paper Publications:
- Patel S G, Vesmawala G R (2015), “Ambient Vibration Testing of Bridges – State of The Art” International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology (IJAET), Vol. 8, Issue 6, pp. 1009-1017.
[DOI: https://www.ijaet.org/media/14I30-IJAET0830227-v8-iss6-pp1009-1017.pdf] - Patel S G, Vesmawala G R (2015), “Experimental and Numerical Study of a Steel Bridge Model through Vibration Testing Using Sensor Networks” IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, Vol.12, Issue 6, Ver. IV, pp.83-89. [DOI: 10.9790/1684-12648389]
- Patel S G, Vesmawala G R (2017), “Experimental Studies on Sabarmati Bridge Using Traffic Induced Vibration” Asian Journal of Civil Engineering (AJCE) Vol. 18, No.1, pp. 39-48.
[DOI: https://ajce.bhrc.ac.ir/Volumes-Issues/agentType/ViewType/PropertyTypeID/1349] [Impact Factor: 1.833] - Patel S G, Vesmawala G R (2017), “Experimental Study on Concrete Box Girder Bridge under Traffic Induced Vibration” International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), Volume 8, Issue 1, pp. 504-511. [Article ID: IJCIET_08_01_058]
- Patel S G, Mori P K (2022), “Numerical Analysis of Continuous Prestressed Box Girder Bridge Under IRC Loading Conditions”, GIS Science Journal, Volume 9, Issue 4, pp. 1364-1371.
[DOI: 20.18001.GSJ.2022.V9I4.22.3909]
Book Chapter:
- Patel S G; Vyas A J and Kamal K H, (2020) “Infrastructure health monitoring using signal processing based on Industry 4.0 system”, for the book entitled “Cyber-Physical Systems and Industry 4.0″, to be published by AAP, “CRC Press” [Taylor & Francis Group] First Published in 2022.
[DOI: https://doi.org/10.1201/9781003129790]
Conference Papers:
- Patel S G, Vesmawala G R (2014), “Vibration Testing of Bridges – State of The Art”, 9th Biennial Event, Structural Engineering Convention 2014, IIT Delhi, India. [DOI: https://civil.iitd.ac.in/sec2014/index.php?pageid=programme#accepted_papers].
- Patel S G, Vesmawala G R (2016), “A Review on Force Vibration Testing of Bridges”, National Conference on Recent Advances in Civil Engineering, Surat, India.
- Patel S G, Vesmawala G R (2016), “Experimental Studies on Slab Deck Type Bridge under Traffic Induced Vibration,” 10th Biennial Event, Structural Engineering Convention 2016, IIT Madras, Channai, India.
- Patel S G, Vesmawala G R (2017), Operational and Numerical Modal Analysis of Shilaj Bridge Under Traffic Induced Vibration,” 13th International Conference on Vibration Problems, IIT Guwahati, India, (29 Nov’17 to 2 Dec’17) https://www.iitg.ac.in/civil/ICOVP2017/IISFiles/information.html
- Patel S G, Thacker M (2019) “Optimization of Energy Efficiency of Educational Building Using Green Building Rating System and Cost Analysis Approach”, International Conference on Advances in Power Generation from Renewable Energy Sources (APGRES -2019), Government Engineering College, Banswara, Rajasthan, India. http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3442581
- Analysis and Design of Reinforced Concrete Buildings.
- Analysis and Design of Steel Structures.
- Repair and Retrofitting of Structures.
- Materials Testing
- “Quantity estimation & Project management.” organized at training institute of Soft Tech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune. (Duration – 9 days.)
- “Soil improvement by advances in geotechnical engineering.” organized by Institute of Geotechnical Society of India, at AMIE, Pune. (Duration – 1 day.)
- “Concrete mix design.” organized by Indian Concrete Institute, Pune Center at Pune.
(Duration – 1 day.) - “Design of bridges.” organized by Dept. of M.Tech. (Structural Design), CEPT University, Ahmedabad.
(Duration – 3 days.) - “Quality control in constructions & Construction Technology.” organized by B.E.Billimoria Co. Ltd, at Godrej Plant site, Mumbai. (Duration – 15 days.)
- TEQIP – II Sponsored Training programme on “Geotechnical Investigation, Interpretations & Improvements.” organized by Applied Mechanics Department and Indian Geotechnical Society, Surat Chapter, Surat.
(Duration – 2 days) - AICTE sponsored Staff Development Programme on “Recent Advances in Concrete Technology (RACT).” organized by Applied Mechanics Department, Surat. (Duration – 5 days)
- TEQIP – II Sponsored Short Term Training programme on “Finite Element Modeling with MATLAB.” Jointly organized by Applied Mechanics Department, SVNIT, Surat and Department of MANIT, Bhopal, Surat. (Duration – 5 days)
- TEQIP – II Sponsored Short Term Training programme on “Structural Diagnosis, Repair and Retrofitting on RCC Structures” Jointly organized by Applied Mechanics Department, SVNIT, Surat and Dr. Fixit Institute, Mumbai. (Duration – 5 days)
- TEQIP – II Sponsored Short Term Training programme on “Communication Skills in English for Teachers” organized by Applied Mathematics and Humanities Department, SVNIT, Surat.(Duration – 5 days)
- TEQIP – II Sponsored Short Term Training programme on “Advances in Concrete Mix Design & Usage of Admixtures” Jointly organized by Applied Mechanics Department, SVNIT, Surat and Dr. Fixit Institute, Mumbai. (Duration – 2 days)
- TEQIP – II Sponsored Short Term Training programme on “Waterproofing in New RCC Buildings – Myths to Reality” Jointly organized by Applied Mechanics Department, SVNIT, Surat and Dr. Fixit Institute, Mumbai. (Duration – 2 days)
- TEQIP – II Sponsored Short Term Training programme on “Introduction to LabVIEW Programming and Data Acquisition Systems” organized by Applied Mechanics Department, SVNIT, Surat. (Duration – 1 days)
- DST Sponsored Workshop programme on “Sensor Interface & Integration in R & D Work.” organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore. (Duration – 3 days)
- TEQIP – II Sponsored International Workshop on “Emerging Trends in Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics.” organized by Department of Civil Engineering during Structural Engineering Convention 2014, IIT Delhi, India (Duration – 2 days)
- Two days National Workshop on “Research Methodology and Academic Writing.” organized by Information and Library Network (INFLIBNET) Centre, Gandhinagar. (Duration – 2 days)
- TEQIP – II Sponsored Short Term Training Program on “Paper and Article Writing in LaTex.” Organized by Department of Electronics Engineering, SVNIT, Surat, India. (Duration – 5 days)
- Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India Sponsored AICTE organized Short Term Course on “Tools for Engineering Research through ICT.” Conducted by Department of Electrical Engineering, Adani Institute of Infrastructure Engineering, and Ahmedabad, India. (Duration – 5 days)
- Centre for Industrial Design (Open Design School) organized by Gujarat Technological University on “Faculty Development Program for Design Engineering (Level 1),” at GTU Campus, Chandkheda, Ahmedabad, India. (Duration – 4 days).
- “International Faculty Development Program – Global Training Education Program” organized by GTEP-UK at Gujarat Technological University Campus, Chandkheda (Duration – 4 days)
- TEQIP-III Sponsored 5 STTP on “Design of Experiments for Engineers and Researchers” organized by Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur.