Adani University


Thermodynamic Prescription of Cosmological Constant in the Randall-Sundrum II Brane Category:  Article Author:  Bandyopadhyay T. Source: Advances in High Energy Physics Year: 2018 Go to Link
Classification optimization using PSO-SSO based support vector machine Category:  Conference Paper Author:  Gagnani L.;Wandra K.;Chhinkaniwala H. Source: 3rd IEEE International Conference on Year: 2017 Go to Link
An Approach to Avoid Intruder Attack While Transmitting Large Message Over Insecure Channel Category:  Article Author:  Khushbu Patel;Hitesh Chhinkaniwala Source: International Journal of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education Year: 2017 Go to Link
  • Article(75)
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